Swim Anytime: Best Swim In Place Machines for Your Home!

Slipstream Swimming Machine

Swim Anytime: Best Swim In Place Machines for Your Home!

As an avid swimmer for over 30 years, I've seen firsthand the power of swimming for fitness, mental health, and fun. Swimming is not only a low-impact exercise that is gentle on the joints, but it also provides a full-body workout that helps with cardiovascular health, builds muscle, and improves flexibility. However, not everyone has the space or resources for a full-sized pool. That's where swim in place machines come in. These innovative devices allow you to swim endlessly in a compact space, making them perfect for any backyard and especially for those with small pools.

What Are Swim In Place Machines?

Swim in place machines, also known as swim machines or portable swim machines, are devices that create a current strong enough for you to swim against, giving you the sensation of swimming in an endless pool. These machines can be installed in in-ground or above pools. There are three main types of swim in place machines:

  • Propulsion Systems: These use jets or propellers to generate a powerful current.
  • Tether Systems: These anchor you in place while you swim against your own resistance.
  • Stationary Swimming Systems: These use mechanical means to keep you stationary while you swim.

Benefits of Using a Swim In Place Machine 

Swim in place machines offer several advantages and transform a small pool:

  • Space-Saving: They require significantly less space, making them ideal for small backyard pools or indoor pools.
  • Cost-Effective: They are generally affordable to install and maintain.
  • Year-Round Use: One of the models is portable, allowing you to use the swim machine at indoor or outdoor pools and swim year-round.

Benefits of Swim In Place Machines for Pool Owners

For those who already own a pool, swim in place machines can enhance the functionality and enjoyment of your existing setup. Here are some key benefits:

Maximizing the Use of Existing Pools

Adding a swim in place machine to your pool can transform it and will give you a versatile exercise experience. Instead of just lounging or doing a few repetitive laps, you can now engage in challenging swim workouts that build endurance and strength.

Space-Saving and Cost-Effective

If you have a small backyard pool, a swim in place machine can make it feel much larger. You no longer need a long stretch of water to swim continuously; the machine provides the resistance needed for an effective swim.

Year-Round Swimming Opportunity

With a portable swim machine model, you can choose to swim at indoor or outdoor pools. This feature allows you to swim year round and in any place, making it a worthwhile investment.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Swim In Place Machine

When selecting the right swim in place machine for your home, consider the following factors:

Size and Compatibility

Ensure the machine fits well with your existing pool or designated swimming area. Measure your space carefully and choose a model that complements your pool’s dimensions.

Power and Resistance Levels

Look for a machine with adjustable power and resistance levels. This feature allows you to customize your workouts according to your fitness level and swimming goals.

Installation and Maintenance

Choose a machine that is easy to install and maintain. Some models require professional installation, while others are designed for simple DIY setup.

Durability and Build Quality

Invest in a machine made from high-quality, durable materials. This ensures it will withstand regular use and last for many years.

Additional Features

Consider additional features such as built-in pool cleaning, remote control, underwater mirror, and more. These extras can enhance your swimming experience and provide added convenience.

Top Swim In Place Machines for Your Home

After extensive research and testing, here are the top swim in place machines that stand out for their performance, durability, and value. Among these, the Slipstream Swim Machine is the best choice overall due to its superior design and unique features.

1. Slipstream Swim Machine

The Slipstream Swim Machine is a top-of-the-line choice that offers an exceptional swimming experience. Its powerful propulsion system creates a smooth, consistent current that mimics open water swimming. The machine is portable, battery powered, easy to install and maintain, making it a favorite among pool owners.  Slipstream combines the best performance at the price compared to the competition.


  • Portable swimming machine that fits in any pool
  • Delivers a wide, deep and even swimming current
  • Powerful and adjustable speed 
  • Affordable price compared to competition
  • Easy installation and no electric wires (battery powered)
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Advance features like underwater mirror and pool cleaning filter 


  • Not a permanent install with electrical 

Ideal for: Serious swimmers, beginner swimmers, fitness enthusiasts, triathletes, post rehab recovery and those looking for a high-quality swim in place machine.

2. Endless Pools Swim Machine

Endless Pools are known for their high-quality pools that provide a smooth, adjustable current. They are suitable for both beginners and advanced swimmers.


  • Full pool and swim machine solution
  • Customizable current strength
  • Suitable for various fitness levels
  • Durable and reliable


  • Requires professional installation
  • Highest price point

Ideal for: Homeowners looking for a reliable, long-term swim machine solution.

3. SwimEx 500 S

The SwimEx 500 S offers a unique paddlewheel system that provides a smooth and adjustable current. It's built to last and provides excellent resistance for serious training.


  • Full pool and swim machine solution
  • Smooth current
  • Durable construction
  • Excellent for serious training


  • Higher price point
  • Requires professional installation

Ideal for: Athletes and those looking for a premium swimming experience.

4. Master Spas Swim Spas

Master Spas Swim Spas combine a swim machine with the benefits of a spa, providing both a workout and relaxation solution.


  • Full pool and swim machine solution
  • Combines swimming and spa features
  • Relaxation features like jets and heating


  • Large footprint
  • Expensive

Ideal for: Homeowners looking for a multi-functional swim and spa experience.

5. Fitmax iPool

The Fitmax iPool is an affordable and compact solution that uses a tether system to keep you in place while you swim.


  • Affordable
  • Compact and portable
  • Easy to set up


  • Less natural swimming experience
  • Limited resistance options

Ideal for: Budget-conscious buyers and those with limited space.

How to Install and Maintain Your Swim Machine

Installation Guide

  1. Choose the Location: Ensure the area is flat and has enough space for the machine and for you to swim comfortably.
  2. Prepare the Pool: Clean the pool and make any necessary adjustments to accommodate the machine.
  3. Follow Instructions: Carefully follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Some models may require professional installation.
  4. Test the System: Once installed, test the machine to ensure it is working correctly and safely.

Maintenance Tips

  • Regular Cleaning: Keep the machine and pool clean to prevent buildup and make sure the operation is smooth.
  • Check Components: Inspect machine components on a regular basis for wear and tear, and replace as needed.
  • Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Follow and keep up with the maintenance schedule and guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

Training Tips and Workouts

Basic Swimming Techniques

  • Freestyle: Focus on your breathing, arm movements, and kicking.
  • Backstroke: Maintain a steady rhythm with your arms and keep your body aligned.
  • Breaststroke: Concentrate on timing and coordination between your arms and legs.

Sample Workouts

Beginner Workout

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of light swimming
  • Main Set: 5 x 1 minute swim, 1 minute rest
  • Cool Down: 5 minutes of easy swimming

Intermediate Workout

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of mixed strokes
  • Main Set: 10 x 2 minutes swim, 30 seconds rest
  • Cool Down: 10 minutes of mixed strokes

Advanced Workout

  • Warm-up: 15 minutes, alternating strokes
  • Main Set: 15 x 3 minutes swim, 30 seconds rest
  • Cool Down: 15 minutes, alternating strokes

Incorporating Swim In Place Machines into Your Fitness Routine

  • Use interval training to improve speed and endurance.
  • Incorporate strength training exercises using resistance bands or weights.
  • Mix up your routine with different strokes and drills to keep workouts engaging and challenging.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Real-Life Examples

  • Mark's Story:I unqualifiedly recommend Slipstream! I received my Slipstream Sport several days ago. After putting it together, a relatively easy task aided by the videos, I started using it. I have been swimming laps daily for the last 10+ years. My pool is not olympic length so my daily laps became somewhat tedious and disjointed. Several years ago I started looking for a Slipstream-like device that was portable and did not require installation since I wasn't interested in tearing up pool decking or running electric lines. There were none! Ten days ago or so I came across Slipstream on the internet and immediately ordered it. It came within days and I have been using it ever since. I am thrilled with my new laps. Swimming against the current makes me focus and maintain a steady pace. I get a far better workout than having to focus on the wall and turning. Anytime I've had a question, I have called Slipstream and they have been super helpful.”
  • Ted’s Experience:I have been looking for a system that I could swim non-stop in my pool for over a year. After seeing this system on Facebook, I called the owner and ended up buying the Slipstream Performance model. I put it together, charged the batteries and put it in my pool. After getting the current set for my speed, the experience has been great. The Slipstream is easy to put in and out of the pool and allows me to swim non-stop. Overall great product and easy to use. The best part is, you don't need to run any additional electrical wires and you can remove the system after each use.”


Swim in place machines offer a practical, cost-effective, and space-saving solution for those who love swimming but lack the space for a full-sized pool. For pool owners and small backyard pool enthusiasts, these machines can enhance and elevate your swimming experience and provide year-round fitness opportunities. Among the various options, the Slipstream Swim Machine stands out as the best choice overall due to its portability, performance, durability, and other advanced features. Whether you're a competitive swimmer or just looking to stay active, a swim in place machine can be a valuable addition to your home.

Share this article with fellow pool owners and fitness enthusiasts, and start enjoying the benefits of year-round swimming in the comfort of your home. For more detailed reviews and purchasing options, visit our recommended resources. Dive in and transform your swimming experience today!

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