Delivers A Smooth, Adjustable Current For Swimming, Fitness & Fun!

  • Enjoy a convenient swim in your backyard pool
  • Non-impact cardio workout
  • Swim at your pace without turns
  • Adjust the speed to your needs
  • Install it in seconds, swim for hours
  • For triathletes: your race pace solution
  • For athletes: perfect for coaching & training
  • For kids: improves strokes & swimming
  • For seniors: great for aquatic / low-impact exercise
  • Post surgery: excellent for rehab and recovery

Exercise Swimming

If you swim for exercise you know that your backyard pool is too short for a good swim. With Slipstream™ you don’t need to go to a 25 yard pool to get a real swim. Drop in a Slipstream™ and swim at your pace whenever you want for as long as you want.

Triathlon Training/Coaching

Swimming is all about technique whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Ironman™. With Slipstream™ and a mirror you can see what you are doing right and fix what’s wrong. There is a reason all the top swim programs use counter-current swimming machines for coaching. Now you can too with Slipstream™.

Water Walking & Running

Slipstream™ helps you get more out of your pool. Enjoy a gentle, non-impact exercise by walking or jogging against the adjustable speed current. When you walk against a current you are using your core to resist the flow and maintain an upright posture with your feet touching the bottom. Since water is so much denser than air you work all the muscles moving your legs through the water. Sore knees, hips, ankles can all benefit from unweighted movement.  Turn it up and and you have the makings of a world-class aerobic workout. 

Aquatic Exercise

The Slipstream™ isn’t just for swimming.  Your pool is an ideal place for non-impact exercise and rehabilitation using the Slipstream™.  You can even keep your hair dry while you work out.

Aquatic Exercise

Aquatic exercise against moving water adds another dimension to your pool. Slipstream makes non-impact exercise fun!

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Fun for the Kids